Monday, September 14, 2009

Day 103: September 14, 2009, Bylas to San Carlos (28.6 mi)

Man did I have an adventure today! Im not even bothering to write it in my journal first, Im just gonna tell it to you now. So Im in the Indian Reservation now, chillin with the coolest people in the planet. Already met a few ladies and a few guys (of who Paul insists on being my guardian in my time here)

So the day started out with me really thinking of how Im going to convince a native community who mistrusts outsiders that I come in respect and appreciation and want to live amongst them and learn. I thought of the best way to do it. Befirending some skaters at the park or going to the tribal council and asking permission from elders. I didn't know. But I skated and todays skate wasn't too easy. Big hills, lots of ups and downs and the road seriously changed from at some points to Texas shitty, to the smoothest most silent shoulder I have skated so far. I saw my first cactus today ( I mean the kind that first comes to mind when you think of cactus, not prickly pear, agave or yucca...). Made me happy and I had to give it the salute. The day was seriously in the 80s at 900 and I was burning early on. But it was all good because Peridot was at mile marker 270 and I was at mile marker 273 at about 1020 and then it just happened again...haha

A big Nissan Titan pulls up ahead and an Apache girl sticks her head out and asks if I needed a ride. This was my ticket to introduce myself to the natives and I didn't heistate

"We saw you walking up the hill with your stick, looking like Moses going the other way this morning."
"Hahaha, yeah Moses...This yucca stem is my best friend. Its a paddle, a brake, a walking stick and a weapon against the dogs that chase me down the road"
"Im Michelle, this is Sue and that is Tina"
"It is a pleasure to meet you, and Im Omar"
"I bought you some things that you can have if you would like" She hands me a bag. Inside was a ham and cheese sandwich, a bag of Doritos and 1 liter of Aquafina
"Oh thank you so much, this is what I need right here" pointing to the water. I drank it all
"So where are you coming from?"
"Like where did I start today or where am I from?"
"Hehehe, both"
"Well today I left Bylas. Im Egyptian, but from Rhode Island. I started skating from Memphis"
"Woow, I Egyptian?! I always wanted to be with an Egyptian"
"Haha, well here I am"
"What if I want him too" Sue in the passenger seat blurts out
"Hey, I got a lot of love for everybody"
"So where are you going?"
"Actually today I want to go to Peridot and maybe live amongst the Apaches for a little and learn about their culture and language. I respect them very much."
"Wow, welll you came to the right place, we will show you around"

And that was that. Again, I feel so blessed it came to right to me, I didnt have to look. The kind ladies showed me around as they passed around 40s, clearly sort of intoxicated. They taught me that Peridot is actaully a precious green gem. Geronimo was the name of an old respected Apache leader. They taught me two words, "Akreya" which means thank you and "Tawotaya'a" which means how are you. They showed me an area where something called the Sunrise Dance Festival takes place, which is the coming of age ceremony for a girl that takes place almost every week. One had just finished, but they told me about an upcoming one the next week. Michelle also bought me a righteous, righteous Indian taco which was fucking delicous. The beans on the bottom tasted just like Egyptian "fool" my parents preffered breakfast. And then the good part. Michelle decided to go to the casino and buy some more alcohol. The intoxicated other ladies of course didn't mind. So we drove. At the Chevron Sue and Tina had a little confrontation and security had to be called after Sue walked away with the truck keys. On our way out on US-70 heading back to Peridot, at exactly mile marker 262 we were pulled over by an Arizona State Police Officer. Clearly he was called by the security. They quickly scrambled to chug the 40s that were open and hide the ones that weren't.

"Have you ladies been drinking today"
Michelle: "No sir", Tina (driving): "No sir", Sue: "I have"
"I can clearly smell the alcohol. It stinks in here"
I decided I should just stay quiet and see what happens. In the end Tina was arrested for driving under the influencem Michelle had a warrant for her arrest in Globe, AZ but the since she was a Native and he pulled us on the reservation he couldn't arrest her. The problem arose when who would drive the truck back. He wanted to tow us away. Fuck that I thought, so I shouted out to the officer "Sir, I haven't had a sip"
"Well why didn't you say something then. Step out and let me run you real quick"

He did, I was clean. I ended up driving the drunk ladies back with Sue passed out then waking up and asking me "Hey, why are you driving my truck?" I just laughed, what a predicament I got myself into. The officer was a real nice guy and it could have been much worse. I dropped the ladies back and continued on my journey. I kept thinking, should I go into San Carlos or not. At the intersetion with 170, the road that takes you into town I made a final decision to do it. Took the road and 4 miles into San Carlos.

Man the natives are awesome. Proud but kind. So far they have treated me well. There is a real problem with poverty here. Of course that leads to lots of drinking and lots of drugs so Im gonna have to really watch my shit, but I can handle myself. I think Im gonna hang here until the Sunrise festival next weekend and check it out, then bounce out.

Oh and I only got 80 bucks left. I left Austin with 300 and it lasted me this much. I gotta keep my shit tight for a bit and Im definately gonna have to get a job in Phoenix.


  1. sounds like they were some wild women. sweet. did ya score bro? i was curious about how much money you had. do you do any night skateing? i always enjoy skateing at nite less traffic and it's not so hot.

  2. nah man, these ladies were pretty beat, not my style. night skating is good but not yet for me

  3. what kinda food is that. that shit shit looks good man
